
03-东方快车谋杀案-Chapter Ⅲ 被拒绝的Ratchett

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03~Chapter Ⅲ 被拒绝的Ratchett

As coffee was brought to Poirot, Bouc stood up.


He had started eating before Poirot and had finished some time ago.


“I shall return to my compartment,” he said. “Come and have a chat later.”


“With pleasure.”



  • As coffee was brought to Poirot [æz ˈkɒfi wəz brɔːt tuː ˈpwɑːroʊ]:咖啡被送到波洛面前时,描述在送来咖啡时的情景。
  • “With pleasure.” [wɪθ ˈplɛʒər]:“很愉快。”,表示波洛接受了邀请,并表示很高兴。

As Poirot drank his coffee, Ratchett suddenly came and sat down opposite him.


“My name is Ratchett,” he said. “Do I have the pleasure of speaking to Hercule Poirot?”


Poirot bowed his head.


"Yes, Monsieur.”


“Mr Poirot, I want you to do a job for me.”


Hercule Poirot looked very surprised. “Monsieur, I accept very few cases now."


“But, Mr Poirot, I can offer you a lot of money."


Hercule Poirot did not say anything for a moment, then he spoke: “What do you want, Monsieur Ratchett?”


“Mr Poirot, I’m a very rich man and men in my position have enemies. Someone has threatened to kill me."


From his pocket he brought out a small gun for a moment.


"I am taking great care of myself. But I want to make completely sure I am safe. I think you are the man for my money, Mr Poirot. And remember~one thing, a lot of money.”


“I am sorry, Monsieur,” Poirot said. “I cannot help you."


Ratchett looked at him angrily. “Name your price, then.”


Poirot shook his head.


“You do not understand, Monsieur. I have made enough money. Now I only take cases which interest me.”


“What’s wrong with my offer?" Ratchett demanded.


Poirot stood up.“I am sorry to be rude—but I do not like your face, Monsieur Ratchett.”

波洛站了起来。 "我很抱歉这么无礼,但我不喜欢你的脸、

And he left the restaurant carriage.


The Simplon Orient Express arrived at Belgrade (贝尔格莱德,南斯拉夫首都) at a quarter to nine that evening.


Poirot stepped down onto the platform but did not stay there long.


The cold was terrible and heavy snow was falling. When he returned to his compartment, the conductor was waiting for him.


“Your suitcases have been moved, Monsieur, to number one—the compartment of Monsieur Bouc."


“But where is Monsieur Bouc?"


“He has moved into the carriage from Athens which has just been attached to the train.”


Poirot went to find his friend.


“Thank you,” he said, "but I cannot take your compartment.


“It’s nothing,” said Bouc. “You’re going to England, so it’s better that you stay in the carriage that’s going all the way to Calais (加来,法国城市).
I’m very happy here. It’s peaceful. This carriage is empty except for myself and one Greek doctor.
Ah! My friend, what a terrible night! They’re saying there hasn’t been so much snow for years. Let’s hope it won’t delay us.”


At 9.15 pm, the train left the station. Poirot said goodnight to his friend and went back to his own carriage.


By this time, the second day of the journey, people were getting to know each other better. Colonel Arbuthnot was at the door of his compartment talking to MacQueen.


MacQueen was surprised when he saw Poirot.


“Hey," he called, "I thought you’d left. Your baggage has gone.


“Yes, it has been moved—that is all.” Poirot moved on along the corridor.

“是的,它被搬走了,仅此而已。” 波洛沿着走廊向前走去。


  • corridor. [ˈkɔːr.ɪdɔːr]:走廊, 楼道, 廊

Two doors from his compartment, the loud American lady was talking to the sheep~like lady, giving her a magazine.


"Do take it, my dear. I’ve got a lot of things to read.”

“拿着吧,亲爱的 我有很多东西要读”

She nodded in a friendly way to Poirot.


“You are most kind, Mrs. Hubbard,” said the sheep~like lady.


“Not at all. I hope your head will be better in the morning.”


“It is only a cold. I’ll make myself a cup of tea.”


“Do you have some pills for your headache? Are you sure? I have more than I need. Well, goodnight, my dear.”


Mrs. Hubbard turned to Poirot as the woman left.


"A nice person, she is—a Swede (瑞典人). She was very interested in what I told her about my daughter.”


Poirot, by now, knew all about Mrs. Hubbard’s daughter. Everyone on the train did!


They knew that she and her husband were teaching at a big American college in Turkey and this was Mrs. Hubbard’s first journey to the east, and what she thought of the local people and their relaxed ways.

他们知道她和丈夫在土耳其的一所大型美国大学任教,而这是 Hubbard 夫人第一次来到东方,也知道她对当地人和他们轻松的生活方式有何看法。

The next door opened and Ratchett’s valet stepped out. Poirot noticed Ratchett sitting in bed.


He saw Poirot and his face became dark and angry. Then the door was shut.


