
05-东方快车谋杀案-Chapter Ⅴ有人被刺杀了

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05-Chapter Ⅴ有人被刺杀了

It was crowded. Bouc was sitting in one corner.


Facing him, in the other corner next to the window, was a small, dark-haired man.


The train manager in a smart blue uniform, and the conductor from his own carriage were both standing up.


The conductor looked as white as a ghost.



  • crowded [ˈkraʊdɪd]:拥挤的,指人多拥塞的情况。
  • corner [ˈkɔːrnər]:角落,指两个边缘相交的地方。
  • dark-haired [dɑːrk hɛrd]:黑发的,头发颜色为深色的。
  • train manager [treɪn ˈmænɪdʒər]:列车经理,负责管理列车运营的人。
  • smart [smɑːrt]:漂亮的,时髦的,通常指外表整洁、有品味的。
  • blue uniform [bluː ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm]:蓝色制服,指员工穿着的蓝色统一服装。
  • conductor [kənˈdʌktər]:列车员,负责在列车上检票和服务乘客的人。
  • white as a ghost [waɪt æz ə goʊst]:脸色苍白如鬼魂,形容人因害怕、震惊等而脸色变白。

“Ah, my good friend," cried Bouc. “Come in. We need you."

“啊,我的好朋友," 布克喊道。“进来吧。我们需要你。"

The dark-haired man moved along the seat. Poirot sat down facing his friend.


“What has happened?”


“That’s a good question. First this snow—this stop. And now—and now a passenger lies dead in his bed—stabbed,” Bouc spoke with a great effort to be calm.

“这是个很好的问题。首先是大雪——这个停车。现在——现在一名乘客躺在床上死了——被刺死了," 布克极力保持冷静地说道。


“An American called Ratchett."


“Well, this is serious!” said Poirot.


"Certainly! A murder is always terrible. But we’re stuck in the snow and may be here for days!

当然 谋杀总是可怕的。但我们被困在雪地里,可能要待上好几天!


  • effort [ˈɛfərt]:努力,用力。
  • calm [kɑːm]:冷静,平静,不慌不忙。
  • stabbed [stæbd]:被刺的,用刀、尖物刺伤的。
  • serious [ˈsɪriəs]:严重的,重要的,不好的。
  • murder [ˈmɜːrdər]:谋杀,非法故意杀害他人。
  • stuck [stʌk]:被困,陷入困境。

“When we pass through most countries we have the police of that country on the train. But not here in Yugoslavia,”


“It is a very difficult situation,” said Poirot.


“Oh, I’m sorry,” continued Bouc. “I haven’t introduced you—Dr Constantine, Monsieur Poirot.”

“哦,很抱歉," 布克继续说道。“我还没有给你们介绍——康斯坦丁 医生,这位是波洛先生。"

The little dark-haired man bowed and Poirot did the same.



  • pass through [pæs θruː]:穿越,经过,通过。
  • police [pəˈliːs]:警察,维护治安、维护秩序的执法人员。
  • Yugoslavia [ˌjuːɡoʊˈslɑːviə]:南斯拉夫,曾经存在的一个国家,由多个国家组成。
  • difficult situation [ˈdɪfɪkəlt ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃən]:困难的情况,指复杂或棘手的局面。
  • introduced [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːst]:介绍,正式地把人引荐给别人认识。
  • bowed [baʊd]:鞠躬,向前弯腰表示尊敬或问候。

“It’s difficult to say exactly,” the doctor began, “but I think that death happened between midnight and two in the morning.”

“很难准确地说," 医生开始说道,“但我认为死亡是在半夜到凌晨两点之间发生的。”

“When was the crime discovered?” asked Poirot.


“Michel, tell Monsieur Poirot what you know,” said Bouc.

“米歇尔,把你知道的告诉波洛先生,” 布克说道。


  • exactly [ɪɡˈzæktli]:准确地,精确地。
  • midnight [ˈmɪdnaɪt]:半夜,夜晚的12点。
  • crime [kraɪm]:犯罪,违法行为。
  • discovered [dɪˈskʌvərd]:被发现,被察觉。

The conductor’s face was still pale.


"Monsieur Ratchett’s valet knocked several times at his door this morning. There was no answer.”


Pierre Michel’s voice was shaking.

” 皮埃尔·米歇尔的声音颤抖着。

"Then, half an hour ago, the waiter from the restaurant carriage came to ask if Monsieur Ratchett would be having lunch.


Still no answer.


“So I opened the door for him with my key. But there is a chain inside, too, and that was fastened. But it was very quiet and cold in there. The window was open and snow was coming in.“

“所以我用我的钥匙给他开了门。但里面有一道链条,也被锁住了。 “但里面非常安静和冷。窗户是开着的,雪飘了进来。

“So I got the train manager. We broke the chain and went in. He was—Oh, it was horrible!”


“Stabbed in twelve places,” announced the Greek doctor.

“被刺了十二处,” 希腊医生宣布道。

“That is very violent,” said Poirot. “It shows that someone was very angry."


“It’s a woman,” cried the train manager. “I’m sure about that. Only a woman would stab like that.”


There was doubt on Dr. Constantine’s face.


“She must have been a very strong woman. One or two of the blows were so powerful that they cut through bone.
And yet some blows were so light they have hardly done any damage.”



  • valet [væˈleɪ]:贴身仆人,负责照料主人衣食起居的仆人。
  • shaking [ˈʃeɪkɪŋ]:颤抖,震动,抖动的状态。
  • restaurant carriage [ˈrɛstərənt ˈkærɪdʒ]:餐车,列车上提供餐饮服务的车厢。
  • chain [tʃeɪn]:链条,由链接在一起的环节组成的装置。
  • fastened [ˈfæsn̩d]:锁紧,固定,使紧固在一起。
  • broke [broʊk]:打开,折断,使断裂。
  • stabbed [stæbd]:被刺的,用刀、尖物刺伤的。
  • announced [əˈnaʊnst]:宣布,公布,宣称。
  • Greek [ɡriːk]:希腊的,来自希腊的。
  • violent [ˈvaɪələnt]:暴力的,激烈的,具有攻击性的。
  • stab [stæb]:刺,戳,用尖锐物体刺入或戳穿。
  • doubt [daʊt]:疑虑,怀疑,不确定感。
  • blow [bloʊ]:打击,敲打,用力打击的动作。
  • bone [boʊn]:骨头,身体的硬组织。
  • light [laɪt]:轻微的,不重的,力量或影响较小的。
  • damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ]:损害,伤害,对物体或人造成的损伤。

“Yesterday,” said Poirot. “Monsieur Ratchett told me his life could be in danger.”


“Then it isn’t a woman,” said Bouc.


“It’s a violent criminal. There’s a large American on the train — a man with terrible clothes. Do you know who I mean?”


The conductor nodded.



  • life could be in danger:生命可能受到威胁。
  • violent [ˈvaɪələnt]:凶暴的,暴力的,具有暴力倾向的。
  • criminal [ˈkrɪmɪnl]:罪犯,犯罪分子,违法犯罪的人。
  • terrible [ˈterəbl]:糟糕的,可怕的,质量或状态很差的。
  • conductor [kənˈdʌktər]:乘务员,负责管理列车车厢和乘客的人员。

“Yes, Monsieur, the man in number 16. But it can’t have been him.


I would have seen him enter or leave his compartment. It’s next to my seat.”


“Well, we’ll discuss it later.” Bouc looked at Poirot.


“Come, my friend, I know your abilities. Solve this case for me! It’s perfect for you. Haven’t you often said that to solve a case, a man only has to lie back in his chair and think?"

“来吧,我的朋友,我知道你的能力。帮我解决这个案子 这对你来说再合适不过了. 你不是常说,要破案,一个人只要躺在椅子上想一想就行了吗?”

Bouc’s voice became full of respect.



  • discuss [dɪˈskʌs]:讨论,交流意见,探讨某个话题或问题。
  • abilities [əˈbɪlətiz]:能力,才能,具有完成某项任务或活动的能力。
  • solve [sɑlv]:解决,找到答案或办法解决问题。
  • case [keɪs]:案件,事件,指需要调查和解决的问题。
  • lie back:靠在后背上,放松身体,通常指坐在椅子上或躺在床上。

“Do that. Interview the passengers, go and see the body, examine the clues, use those little grey cells that I have heard you talk about so many times before and then ~ well, I’m sure you can find the answer! You will know!”



  • interview [ˈɪntərvjuː]:采访,面谈,与某人交谈以获取信息或观点。
  • passengers [ˈpæsɪndʒərz]:乘客,坐车或交通工具的人。
  • go and see:去看,前往观察,前往某地查看情况。
  • examine [ɪɡˈzæmɪn]:检查,审查,仔细观察以获取细节或信息。
  • clues [kluːz]:线索,暗示,可以帮助解决问题的信息。
  • little grey cells:灰色细胞,指大脑,通常表示智力或思维能力。
  • so many times before:很多次以前,多次出现在过去。

“Thank you, my friend,” said Poirot proudly. “And the truth is, I find this problem interesting.”


“You accept, then?” said Bouc eagerly.


“I accept,” Poirot agreed.


“Good—we are all ready to help you.”



  • proudly [praʊdli]:自豪地,骄傲地,以自豪的态度。
  • eagerly [ˈiːɡərli]:急切地,渴望地,充满热情地。

"To begin with, I would like a diagram of the Istanbul-Calais carriage, with some information about the people in each compartment. I would also like to see their passports.


“Michel will get you those."



  • begin with:首先,作为开始。
  • diagram [ˈdaɪəˌɡræm]:平面图,图表,用图形表示信息或关系的图示。
  • Istanbul-Calais carriage:伊斯坦布尔到加来的车厢,指火车上从伊斯坦布尔到加来(Calais)的车厢。
  • passport [ˈpæspɔːrt]:护照,国际旅行时的身份证明文件。

“What other passengers are there on the train?” asked Poirot.


"In this carriage, Dr. Constantine and I are the only travellers.


The carriages on the other side are not important, since they were locked after dinner had been served.


In front of the Istanbul-Calais carriage, there’s only the restaurant carriage."


"When was Monsieur Ratchett last seen alive?” asked Poirot.


“He spoke to Michel at about 12:40 am,” said Bouc.


“Yes, I heard that conversation,” said Poirot.


The doctor continued.


"When we found Ratchett, the window of his compartment was open.


So you would guess that the murderer escaped that way.


But there were no marks in the snow—nobody had walked that way.”

但是雪地上没有任何痕迹 没人走过那条路"

“It was half an hour after midnight when the train hit the snow," said Bouc.


“No one could have left the train after that, and Ratchett was alive until at least 12:40 am. So… "


Bouc said in a serious voice:“the murderer is with us ~ on the train now.”


“First,” said Poirot,


”I would like to have a chat with young Monsieur MacQueen.”


“Certainly,” said Bouc. He nodded to the train manager.


While they waited, the conductor returned with the passports.


Bouc took them.


"Thank you, Michel. We’ll interview you properly later.”


“Yes, Monsieur.” Michel left the compartment.

“好的,先生” 米歇尔离开了包厢。

“After we’ve seen MacQueen,” said Poirot, “perhaps Monsieur le Docteur will come with me to the dead man’s compartment?”


“Certainly,” said Dr. Constantine.


At this moment the train manager returned with Hector MacQueen.



  • passports [ˈpæspɔːrts]:护照,国际旅行时的身份证明文件。
  • properly [ˈprɒpərli]:正式地,恰当地,以适当的方式或方法。
  • Monsieur le Docteur [mənˈsjɜːr lə ˈdɒktər]:博士先生,法语中的敬称,用于称呼医生。
  • dead man’s compartment:死者的包厢,指被发现的死者所在的车厢。
