
06-东方快车谋杀案-Chapter Ⅵ 奇怪的死亡原因

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06-Chapter Ⅵ 奇怪的死亡原因

Bouc stood up. "There isn’t much space in here,” he said pleasantly. “Take my seat, Monsieur MacQueen.”


He turned to the train manager.


“Ask everyone to leave the restaurant carriage. Monsieur Poirot can do his interviews there.”


"That would be the most convenient place, yes,” agreed Poirot.

” 波洛同意道:“那是最方便的地方,是的。”

“What’s going on?” MacQueen asked.


“Prepare yourself for a shock," Poirot answered. “Your employer, Monsieur Ratchett, is dead.”


MacQueen looked surprised but he didn’t seem to be upset. "So they got him,” he said.


“You are right," said Poirot, “Monsieur Ratchett was murdered.”


Poirot explained briefly who he was and how he was helping to find the murderer.


Then he said, “Tell me what you know.”


“Well, I met Mr. Ratchett a year ago when I was in Persia. I’d come over from New York to find out more about a job with an oil company—the meeting went badly.


Mr. Ratchett was in the same hotel as me. He’d just had an argument with his secretary, and I was glad when he offered me the job in his place.”


“And since then?”


“We’ve travelled about. Mr. Ratchett wanted to see the world. He had difficulty because he didn’t speak any languages. Honestly, I was more helpful with that than as a secretary." The young man paused.

“我们到处旅行。拉切特先生想要看看世界。他很难,因为他不会说任何语言。老实说,我在这方面比做秘书更有帮助。” 年轻人停顿了一下。

“He never spoke about himself, but the truth is, Mr. Poirot, I don’t believe Ratchett was his real name. I think he left America to escape something. And I think he was successful—until a few weeks ago.”



  • traveled [ˈtrævəld]:旅行,指到不同的地方参观或度假。
  • languages [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒɪz]:语言,指人们使用的沟通工具,可以是不同国家或地区的语言。
  • secretary [ˈsɛkrəˌtɛri]:秘书,指在办公室或组织中负责文书工作、协助管理和安排事务的人。
  • escape [ɪsˈkeɪp]:逃避,指从危险、困难或不愉快的情况中逃脱。
  • successful [səkˈsɛsfəl]:成功的,指在达到目标或取得预期结果方面取得了良好的成就。

“And then?"


“He began to get letters that threatened to kill him. He destroyed one because he was so angry. But I’ve still got a couple of others. Shall I get them for you?”


"Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.”


MacQueen returned with two sheets of dirty paper.


Poirot examined the first:" So you thought you’d escape and we wouldn’t find out, did you? No way. We’re planning to GET you, Ratchett, and we WILL get you! "

波洛检查了第一封信: 所以你以为你能逃脱,而我们不会发现,是吗?不可能的。我们打算抓住你,拉切特,我们一定会抓到你的!

Poirot picked up the second letter:"We’re going to kill you, Ratchett. We’re going to GET you, you’ll see. "


Poirot put down the letters.



  • threatened [ˈθrɛtənd]:威胁,表示有意图对某人或某物造成伤害或不利影响。
  • examined [ɪɡˈzæmɪnd]:检查,仔细观察和审查以了解其细节或特征。

“Do you know when Monsieur Ratchett received the last letter?" he asked.

“您知道拉切特先生收到最后一封信是什么时候吗?” 他问道。

“On the day we left Istanbul.”


“Thank you, Monsieur MacQueen. One more question ~ when did you last see Monsieur Ratchett alive?”


"Yesterday evening at about 10 pm-I was in his compartment writing a letter for him.” Poirot and the doctor went to the compartment of the murdered man.


The first thing they noticed was the freezing cold. The window was wide open.


“Nobody left the carriage through the window” Poirot announced.

“没有人从窗户出去” 波洛宣布道

"Maybe the murderer wanted us to think that they did, but there are no marks in the snow.


And so, he added in a cheerful voice, “we will shut the window!”


He turned to the bed. Ratchett lay on his back.


His pyjama jacket(睡衣上装),covered with dark blood marks, had been opened.


“I had to see the wounds” explained the doctor.


Poirot nodded. “It is not pretty. How many wounds are there?”


“Twelve. One or two are very small. However, at least three were so deep that they could each have been the reason for death.” Something in the doctor’s voice made Poirot look at him.

"“十二处。有一两处很小。不过,至少有三处伤口很深,每处都可能是死亡的原因。” 医生的声音让波洛看着他。

“You think there’s something strange about the wounds?”


"Yes. You see, these two-here and here.


“They’re deep—one must have cut through his body—and yet the edges aren’t open. There’s been no blood.”


“What does that mean?”


“That the man was already dead when they were made. But that can’t be right…”


“Hmmm,” said Poirot thoughtfully. “Anything else?”

“嗯,” 波洛沉思着说。“还有其他的吗?”

“Well, one thing. You see this wound here—under the right arm, near the shoulder? Could you strike a blow like that?”



  • cut through:切穿,指刀割或切割穿越某物。
  • edges [ˈɛdʒɪz]:边缘,指物体或表面的外缘。
  • already [ɔlˈrɛdi]:已经,指某事发生或存在于过去的时间。
  • wound [wuːnd]:伤口,指身体上的受伤或受损部位。
  • strike a blow:打出一击,指用力打击或攻击。

Poirot raised his hand. “I see,” said Poirot. “With the right hand it is very difficult. But with the left hand—”

波洛举起了手。"我明白了,"波洛说。“用右手很难。但用左手 …”

“That’s right, Monsieur Poirot. That blow was struck with the left hand. But some of these other blows are obviously right-handed.”


"So,” said Poirot, "we have here a First and Second Murderer. The First Murderer stabbed his victim and left the compartment, turning off the light.


The Second Murderer came in the dark, did not see that the work had been done, and stabbed a dead body.”



  • stabbed [stæbd]:刺伤,指用刀、刺等尖锐物体刺入或刺伤。
  • victim [/ˈvɪktɪm/] 受害者, 牺牲品,被害人
  • compartment [kəmˈpɑːrtmənt]:车厢,指火车或飞机内的隔间或区域。
  • turning off:关闭,指将开关、按钮等操作以停止或关闭某物。
  • stabbed a dead body:刺伤了一个已经死去的尸体,指在受害者已经死亡后对其进行刺伤或攻击。

"Wonderful,” said the little doctor eagerly.


Poirot’s eyes shone. “You think so? It sounded silly to me. Is there anything else that isn’t normal, that might suggest there are two people involved?”


"Yes. Some of these blows, as I have said, were struck by someone who was weak. But other blows were made by a very strong person. Do you understand my point?”


"Indeed do,” said Poirot. “Everything is becoming beautifully clear!



  • eagerly [ˈiːɡərli]:急切地,指急切、热切地期望或迫切地做某事。
  • shone [ʃoʊn]:闪烁,指明亮或有光辉地发出光。
  • silly [ˈsɪli]:傻的,愚蠢的,指缺乏智慧或判断力的。
  • involved [ɪnˈvɑlvd]:牵涉其中的,指与某事或情况有关联或涉及其中。

"The murderer was a very strong man, he was weak, it was a woman, it was a righthanded person, it was a left-handed person一ah, what fun! 'And the victim, meanwhile-what does he do? Does he shout for help? Does he defend himself? No!”


He put his hand under the pillow(枕头) and found the gun Ratchett had shown him.


“You see? He could have defended himself, but he did not."


They looked around. On a small table were a glass, a bottle of water, and a dish containing a cigarette end, some paper that had been burned and two used matches.



  • pillow [ˈpɪloʊ]:枕头,用来支撑头部或身体的软垫物,通常放在床上使用。
  • defend [dɪˈfɛnd]:辩护,保卫,指采取行动来保护自己或他人免受危险或攻击。
  • cigarette end:烟蒂,指吸烟后剩下的烟卷部分,通常已经熄灭。
  • burned [bɜrnd]:烧焦的,指被火烧焦或变黑的物品。
  • used matches:用过的火柴,已经点燃过的火柴棒。

The doctor picked up the glass and smelled it. “Here is the explanation of the victim’s silent death” he said quietly.


"Was he drugged?”





MacQueen 之前就知道Ratchett受到别人的威胁,说会杀害他。

Poirot nodded. He picked up the matches. “These are different. One is flatter than the other. You see?”


"They’re the kind you get on a train,” said the doctor.


Poirot felt in the pockets of Ratchett’s coat that was hanging on the wall. After a while, he pulled out a box of matches. He compared them carefully with the matches in the dish.



  • matches [ˈmætʃɪz]:火柴,用于点燃火的小棍子,通常涂有火药。
  • flatter [ˈflætər]:扁平的,指平坦或较薄的。
  • pockets [ˈpɑkɪts]:口袋,通常指衣物上的小袋子,用于放置物

“The rounder one is a match struck by Mr. Ratchett,” he said.


He looked round the compartment. With a little cry, he picked up something from the floor. A small handkerchief (手帕) with an embroidered (刺绣的) initial (首字母) “H.”

他环顾四周的车厢。他发出一声小小的喊叫,从地板上捡起了一样东西。 一个小手帕,上面刺绣着首字母“H”。

“A woman’s handkerchief,” said the doctor. “The train manager was right. There is a woman involved in this."


“And, most helpfully for us, she leaves her handkerchief!" said Poirot. “And to make things even easier, it has an initial. How lucky we are!”



  • compartment [kəmˈpɑːrtmənt]:车厢,火车或列车中的封闭区域,通常用于乘客乘坐。
  • handkerchief [ˈhæŋkərtʃɪf]:手帕,用于擦拭或鼻涕的小巾。
  • embroidered [ɪmˈbrɔɪdərd]:刺绣的,指在织物上用线进行装饰或绘制图案。
  • initial [ɪˈnɪʃəl]:首字母,通常指名字或词语的开头字母。
  • train manager:列车经理,负责管理和运营火车的人员。
  • involved [ɪnˈvɒlvd]:涉及,参与,指与某事相关联或参与其中。

The way he spoke surprised the doctor. But Poirot had already picked up something else from the floor.


This time he held out a pipe cleaner (烟斗通条).


" Again, this was left in a most helpful way. A male clue this time. By the way, what have you done with the knife?"


“There was no knife. Ah!” the doctor had been searching the pyjama pockets of the dead man.


"I missed this.” From the pocket he brought out a gold watch. The case was badly damaged, and the hands pointed to 1.15.



  • pipe cleaner [paɪp ˈklinər]:烟斗通条,用于清洁烟斗管道的工具。
  • clue [klu]:线索,指解决问题或破案的提示或信息。
  • pyjama [pəˈdʒɑːmə]:睡衣,睡衣套装通常包括上衣和裤子,用于睡觉或在家中穿着。
  • pointed to:指向,表示钟表的指针所指的时间。

“You see?” cried Constantine eagerly. "This shows I was right about the time of death. 1.15 am was when the crime happened.”


"lt is possible, yes.”


The doctor looked at him in a curious way. “Pardon me, Monsieur Poirot, but I don’t quite understand you.”


“I do not understand myself,” said Poirot. “I understand nothing at all, and that makes me worried.”



  • eagerly [ˈiːɡərli]:急切地,充满热情地。
  • time of death [taɪm əv dɛθ]:死亡时间,指某人去世的具体时间。
  • curious [ˈkjʊriəs]:好奇的,表示对某事感到兴趣或想要了解的状态。

He sighed and looked down at the little table and the burned bits of paper.


“You see, my dear doctor, this compartment is full of clues. Are they real or false? I do not know yet. But here is one clue which I believe is not false. This flat match, Monsieur le Docteur, I believe it was used by the murderer to burn a very important paper.”


The doctor watched with interest as Poirot held up one small piece of burned paper.


He could just see the pale shape of letters—one three words and part of another. “-member little Daisy Armstrong.”


“Ahah!” Poirot cried out in excitement.



  • sighed [saɪd]:叹了口气,表示通过深呼吸表达失望、疲惫或沮丧。
  • clues [kluːz]:线索,指可以用来解决问题或破案的信息或提示。
  • piece [piːs]:片段,指从整体中分离或切割出来的部分。
  • excitement [ɪkˈsaɪtmənt]:兴奋,激动,指因兴奋、喜悦或紧张而表现出的情绪。

Poirot cried out in excitement. “Ahah! I know the dead man’s real name. And I know why he had to leave America.”


